The manual is structured into the following main parts:
A. Introduction: This part gives an introduction to this manual including its objective, guidance on how to use it, how it is organised as online Help system, and hints on advanced support options.
B. IUCLID 5 - Purpose and General Structure: This part provides an overview of the background and history of IUCLID, its purpose, basic information on the software behind IUCLID 5, the type of information that can be managed with IUCLID in terms of company-related information and substance-related information (including an introduction on the principles of (key / robust) study summaries, endpoint summaries and dossiers), and the how IUCLID 5 is structured.
C. GETTING STARTED - Sample Session for Beginners: This part aims at assisting the novice IUCLID user to set up the application and use it immediately without having to read the details provided with this manual first. A self-tutorial sample session guides you through the most common features needed for handling a Substance dataset.
D. IUCLID Features and How-to Guides: This is the central part of the manual. It covers the essentials of IUCLID including all features, functions and options. The different IUCLID user interfaces are explained and, based on screenshots and examples, it is shown how to handle your data using the available IUCLID features. The most comprehensive subchapter of this part focuses on the Substance feature as this is the central core of information in IUCLID. Many features introduced in this subchapter are also relevant for the Template, Category, Mixture and Dossier features, the use of which is also explained in the manual. Other IUCLID features covered include the Legal entity, Legal entity site, Reference substance, EC Inventory, Literature references, Import of data, Query and search, and how to manage Users, Roles and Preferences (i.e. customising your IUCLID). Also guidance is given on how to perform backup and restore operations and how to handle pug-ins. Last but not least the principles and handling of the migration tool are explained, which is relevant for users who need to migrate data from IUCLID 4 to IUCLID 5.
E. Specific Guidance on Content of IUCLID Sections: In this part, guidance is given on all data entry fields of all IUCLID sections. The instructions on Endpoint study records of sections 4 to 10 are completely based on the help texts provided with the OECD Harmonised Templates. These guidance notes are also accessible as context-sensitive help.
F. A Guide to Where to Enter Data Requirements in IUCLID 5: This part provides overview lists of the data requirements of different regulatory programmes vs. the corresponding IUCLID sections.
G. Handling extraordinary error situations: This part provides you with information when an extraordinary error situation occurs and the application must be terminated.
In addition to the table of contents and index, the Help assistant in chapter D.1 Help assistant provides a quick way to navigate directly to the area of interest.