C.4. Completing a Substance dataset

The tutorial in this chapter shows how to complete sections of a Substance dataset. Sample data and instructions are given for


A IUCLID dataset is structured into 13 main sections. Many of these sections are further broken down to subsections as exemplified in the following screenshot:

There is a striking difference as regards data entry between sections 1 - 3 and sections 4 -13 as follows:

This is illustrated on the user interface by different symbols: any title of subsections within sections 1 to 3 are preceded by a green or red leaf symbol , while any record in sections 4 to 13 is indicated by a green bullet . For more information see chapter D.4.6.1 Differences between sections 0 - 3 and sections 4 - 13.


Section 0 Related Information contains special information on Templates, Categories and Mixtures and is not considered in this sample session for beginners, which explains the features and functions that are most commonly used for editing a Substance dataset based on hands-on examples.


To edit and complete a Substance dataset the following workflow applies: