The feature View Dossier data provides a Query results pane displaying all Dossiers available in your IUCLID installation, which allows to select the desired Dossier or query for it.
To view the Dossiers
Go Home to the Task panel if you are not already
Under Dossier , click View. A screen comes up with empty windows on the
right side and a Query results pane on
the left (below the title bar Navigation) showing all Dossiers available in
your local IUCLID installation or the network you are connected to. The
Dossiers are listed in alphabetical order (see the screenshot
If you can easily find the desired Dossier, just double-click it.
If there is a large number of Dossiers listed, run a query as described for Substances in chapter D.4.3.2 Querying for a Substance on the Query results pane.
When the desired Dossier has been selected, it is displayed in the Components pane together with all its components, as shown in chapter D.8.2 Creating Dossiers.