The Print command can be applied either to the complete Dossier or selected individual components. The latter option can be useful in the case of a Category or Mixture Dossier containing several related Substances.
To print a complete Dossier
Go Home to the Task panel if you are not already
Under Dossier , click
In the Query results pane, right-click the Dossier to be printed and from the menu displayed, click the Print command (or select the Print command from the File menu).
The Print wizard comes up and guides you through the following steps:
Step1: Verify the selected elements or deselect as appropriate. Note that only endpoint data can be deselected. Black ticks in the checkboxes for all other elements indicate that they cannot be excluded.
Step 2: Specify the output path, file name and print options (i.e. whether annotations, empty fields and/or banner page shall be included and whether the print-out shall be opened by the viewer, i.e. browser) and click the Finish button.
The filter parameters set when the Dossier was created out of Substance or Mixture dataset(s) are used by default. They cannot be changed. However, the full print settings are provided when the related datasets are printed separately from within the Components pane as described below.
To print an individual component of a Dossier
Go Home to the Task panel if you are not already
Under Dossier , click View. A screen comes up with empty windows on the
right side and a Query results pane on
the left (below the title bar Navigation) showing all Dossiers available in
your local IUCLID installation or the network you are connected.
If you can easily find the desired Dossier, just double-click it. If there is a large number of Dossiers listed, run a query as described for Substances in chapter D.4.3.2 Querying for a Substance on the Query results pane.
When the desired Dossier has been selected, it is displayed in the Components pane together with all its components, as shown in chapter D.8.2 Creating Dossiers.
Double-click the component to be printed (or right-click it and from the menu displayed, click the Open command).
Right-click the component and from the menu displayed, click the Print command (or select the Print command from the File menu).
The Print command selects only the element being currently displayed in the Data entry window (i.e. opened), even if you mark (i.e. highlight) another component in the section tree. However, if you select a complete Dossier in the Query results pane, the marked Dossier is printed.